外媒2月19日消息:芝加哥农业资源(AgResource)总裁丹?巴斯在一次全球谷物行业会议上表示,全球小麦市场正面临供需失衡的挑战。俄罗斯小麦产量下降以及全球小麦库存减少,可能推动小麦价格在未来两个月上涨15到20美元/吨。 巴斯表示,全球谷物(以及油籽)市场正经历结构性变化。巴西大豆产量创下1.74亿吨的历史新高,导致油籽市场(尤其是大豆)承受下行压力。和大豆市场的疲软前景形成对比的是,玉米和 ...
The AgResource team has been on the ground in Mato Grosso, Brazil this past week. Here’s a summary of their findings from the soybean rows. A large Brazilian soybean crop will be harvested in ...
Brazil’s soybean crop seems to be shrinking. Estimates by AgResource Company released earlier this month showed a soybean crop under 120 MMT, and it’s another slash to crop estimates that are ...