GUANGZHOU, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- The American Chamber of Commerce in South China (AmCham South China) released on Wednesday its ...
Shanghai to offer overseas visitors a special tour package during the city's summer shopping campaign. Liu Min, Shanghai ...
Horst L?chel, professor of economics and co-chairman of the Sino-German Center at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management shared his insights during the interview that China and Europe will ...
The GROCERY x Greenie & Elfie x Unbox Industries limited-editions' pop-up store is now underway at Langham Place in Mong Kok.
How can China sustain its growth momentum? Will the Chinese market become more attractive in the future? Horst Löchel, professor of economics and co-chairman of the Sino-German Center at the Frankfurt ...
解放周末!用AI写周报又被老板夸了!点击这里,一键生成周报总结,无脑直接抄 → ...
随着人们生活观念的转变,越来越多的城市居民渴望 亲近自然、体验乡村生活 。 “小院经济” 通过打造迷你小溪、围炉煮茶、野奢露营帐篷等 场景化体验 ,满足了消费者对“慢生活”的追求。这种 个性化、定制化 的服务,尤其是对年轻人极具吸引力。
以花为媒,共赴一场国际化的艺术盛宴!猎德国际化街区邀您共赏花艺之美!2025广州国际花卉艺术展+猎德国际化街区联展活动2月15日在广州市天河区好驿天河综合服务中心正式启幕,将持续至2月20日。本次展览以“花容粤貌·悦动湾区”为主题,通过花卉艺术与国际 ...
See? “By” originally means “bye” or byway. That’s why, in fact, some people still spell “by the by” as “by the bye”. By the way, “that is by the by or bye” in this sense (secondary) is an idiom that ...
In the last two articles, "Global Fund Insight (Europe): Focus on Luxembourg & Ireland" and "Global Fund Insight (India): Top ...