The company has made Android phones powered by Intel and Qualcomm SoCs. Asus's latest mobile launch is the ZenPad 8.0 (Z380KL). The tablet was launched in June 2015. The tablet comes with a 8.00-inch ...
Asus Google Nexus 7 tablet was launched in June 2012. The tablet comes with a 7.00-inch display offering a resolution of 1280x800 pixels at a pixel density of 216 pixels per inch (ppi). Asus Google ...
Another reason why OLED monitors have become more mainstream is falling prices. The 34-inch Asus ROG Swift PG34WCDM adds even more immersion with a curved screen. Finally, the 2024 model is on ... is part of the BGFG family of websites. Our mission is to provide you with great editorial and essential information to make your PC an integral part of your life. You can also follow ...
Acer, Alienware, Asus, and MSI offer 18-inch gaming laptops at this point, while manufacturers such as Lenovo haven’t yet unveiled such an option yet. Many of these offer a mini LED panel these days.