A recent survey by A Mission For Michael, a mental health treatment organization, polled 3,105 cold-water enthusiasts to ...
The Logan County Sheriff's Office says suspected methamphetamine was found in both of the vehicles involved, one of which was ...
3月15日,我国首个《古树名木保护条例》将正式施行。3月12日植树节,深圳市规划和自然资源局组织开展古树名木保护系列宣传活动并举行“绿美广东·古树认捐”揭牌仪式。仪式上,中国平安积极响应广东省“绿美广东”号召,参与“古树认捐,绿美有我”公益活动,为深 ...
In 2007, the Medicines for Malaria Venture looked into the cost of anti-malarial treatments in Uganda, followed up by a study by the Affordable Medicines Facility – malaria (AMFm) in 2012.