This strange and mesmerizing sea creature can age in reverse when times get tough, in a move that would make Benjamin Button ...
A new part of an ocean plant cell has been discovered that might revolutionize farming one day. The structure can take ...
The death of an organism does not spell the end for its cells, according to new research. Cells have been shown to continue ...
The world's weirdest bacteria might just be this one. Image an organism causing sex changes to whoever it infects. Truth is ...
With its speedy growth and adaptability, E. coli has spent many years at the top of the "model organism" list, with no signs of slipping. But E. coli is a blip in a rich microbial world ...
Life on Earth had to begin somewhere, and scientists think that “somewhere” is LUCA—or the Last Universal Common Ancestor.
In the desert areas of Namibia, Oman, and Saudi Arabia, research work has revealed unusual structures that are probably due ...
A growing number of new studies have found that, at least for some cells, death isn’t the end, but the beginning of something ...
Sainer’s 'Kolorganism' is an immersive exploration of color, form, and perception, treating art as a living, interconnected organism. Inspired by Władysław Strzemiński’s 'Theory of Seeing' and ...
Certain strains of bacteria have evolved a way of providing for neighboring cells after they die, giving up a feast of ...
Researchers at Yale have achieved a major breakthrough in synthetic biology. They have rewritten the genetic code of an organism, opening up unprecedented possibilities for medicine and industry. This ...
The giant creature, measuring 34 metres, isn't a fish, or even a marine mammal like a whale, but Pavona clavus - a species of ...