In patients with symptoms such as irregular heartbeats, dizziness, or fainting, or in individuals that physicians suspect may have atrial fibrillation, many days of ECGs may be required for diagnosis ...
HeartBeam (NASDAQ: BEAT) , a medical technology company focused on cardiac care, announced the pricing of its public offering of 5,882,353 shares at ...
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CP 100 is a reliable, easy-to-use, and cost-effective ECG device for almost any office setting.
加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉 - 市值约6000万美元的医疗科技公司HeartBeam, Inc. (NASDAQ: BEAT)宣布其公开发行股票定价为每股1.70美元。公司计划发行5,882,353股普通股,预计将于2025年2月14日左右完成发行,具体取决于市场和其他条件。根据 InvestingPro 数据显示,该股票在过去一周下跌8.2%,但过去一年仍保持23.8%的正回报。