In contrast to the dark triad, the light triad encompasses a set of positive personality traits that foster well-being and ...
A recent study of 4000 participants found that people seen as kind and helpful were perceived as more attractive, regardless ...
Optical illusion psychology tests are increasingly popular for revealing hidden personality traits. A new test image by ...
The personality of a brand embodies its unique character. The focus extends beyond the actions of the brand; it includes the ...
Surgeons need to understand the personality traits of patients with presbyopia to set proper expectations for multifocal IOL ...
Mentalization-based treatment for antisocial personality disorder (MBT-ASPD) could be a game-changer in reducing severe ...
For instance, people-pleasers are often defined as individuals who may put their own needs aside to please others to avoid ...
A new psychological therapy has been found to reduce rates of violence and aggression among male offenders with antisocial personality disorder (ASPD).
Some people have an energy that’s impossible to ignore. They walk into a room, and something about them instantly draws ...
A political scientist explains how a confluence of personality traits and perceived status loss can encourage some people to generate chaos as a solution to their woes.
A new psychological therapy designed by a team of UCL-led researchers has been found to reduce rates of violence and aggression among male offenders with antisocial personality disorder (ASPD).