Recently, China’s Tianguan satellite (Einstein Probe Satellite) detected a gamma-ray burst EP240315a. It's the first time to ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient world slept only 6.5 hours a night.
【可口可乐/可乐/欧洲/回收】可口可乐公司多款饮品的部分批次,因可能含较高浓度的氯酸盐而需在欧洲部分地区展开回收。食环署食安中心表示今天(28日)已就事件联络本地进口商和零售商跟进。据中心初步调查,香港太古可口可乐有限公司未有进口或销售受影响批次产品 ...
Ore frenetiche per il calciomercato che chiude lunedì sera. Milan, Juve e Napoli le più attive. Maldini all'Atalanta, Zaniolo alla Fiorentina, Casadei al Toro ...