Frank Richard Marcucci III was born May 3, 1965, in Providence, Rhode Island. Growing up in Lexington, Massachusetts, he was an Eagle Scout, competitive swimmer, EMT, lifeguard, swim instructor, ...
Representatives from Columbus-based real estate developer Windsor Companies returned to Yellow Springs on Tuesday, March 4, to unveil additional plans to one day build market rate apartments on the ...
Engaging communities in the arts has been a foundational part of Mad River Theater Works’ mission since its founding in the village in 1978 — and it aims to keep doing so in new and unique ways. After ...
The Miami Township Trustees held their most recent regular meeting Monday, March 3. The bulk of the meeting comprised an executive session to “consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, ...
CLASSIFIED AD RATES Weekly rate: $7 up to 20 words; additional words 10¢ each, this price includes web placement also. We request that first-time advertisers and advertisers outside of Yellow Springs ...
Using the form below, you can reach various departments and individuals at the News, suggest story ideas, or submit a letter to the editor.
“Is it ready yet?” “When’s it opening?” “How about now?” In a recent interview with the News, local resident and restaurateur Miguel Espinosa said he’s been beset by these curious inquiries nearly ...
The Yellow Springs News is a 135+-year-old weekly newspaper that reaches over 1,600 households in Yellow Springs, Greene County, Miami Valley, and points beyond. The success of the paper is due to its ...
Welcome to the Yellow Springs Community Directory, aka the ‘Redbook’, business section online. This is our 35th iteration of the mighty, tiny publication, which began as a humble 36-page, letterpress ...
A lot has been said about the community of residents who have come to neighboring Springfield from Haiti — in regional and national news reports, sound bytes, social media posts and elsewhere in print ...
Drive three-position medical Geri-Chair recliner with tray, jade green, excellent condition. $250. 937-768-3873. GOT A BEST FRIEND IN BESCHAMEL? Tired of reading the ...