School term dates and holidays, school meals, clothing grants, transport to school, apply for a school place, primary, secondary and additional support needs (ASN) schools, learning in Gaelic, ...
When you should apply, choose a nursery or childminder, how to apply, your preferences, priority places, allocation of places, confirmation of your child's place, apply for an extra year at nursery or ...
Due to severe weather, all schools and council-run nurseries will be closed on Friday 24 January 2025. They will continue to run as normal on Thursday 23 January 2025. Schools will contact parents and ...
A former grant scheme for building repairs and shopfront improvements, which aimed to improve historic properties and streetscape within the townscape heritage and conservation areas of Paisley to ...
Help if you're homeless or could become homeless, help if you need a temporary place to stay tonight, homelessness support for young people, how you can help a homeless person.
What Future Paisley is, what it aims to achieve, partners, Future Paisley projects, cultural funding, what else is happening, how to stay in touch. Future Paisley is a programme of cultural events and ...
Home education, ParentsPortal, ParentPay, anti-bullying, Curriculum for Excellence, Educational Psychology Service, National Qualifications and exam results, Renfrewshire Instrumental Music Service.
Our plan published in 2014 to transform Paisley's future using it's internationally-significant heritage and cultural assets. In 2014, Renfrewshire Council published a set of ambitious and exciting ...
In the early years of the 20th century, Paisley Burgh Council was looking for a site for a park which would be suitable for use by the public for recreational purposes. Extensive grounds at Barshaw, ...
Payments, bands and charges, Council Tax Reduction, discounts and exemptions, tell us about a change too your details, appeal a council tax decision, what happens if you do not pay your council tax.
Renfrewshire Council's records are essential for the Council to function and for staff to carry out their jobs. Records provide information for decision making and evidence of the Council's activities ...