The PNAS Editorial Board is made up of NAS members who are active scientists and experts in their fields. On submission, your paper is assigned to an Editorial Board member in one of the 31 NAS ...
Correction for Giguère-Croteau et al., North America’s oldest boreal trees are more efficient water users due to increased [CO 2], but do not grow faster ...
In the west, the glaciers feeding Wordie Ice Shelf (1.3-cm SLE) lost 1 to 2 Gt/y in 1979–2003, increasing to 8 Gt/y in 2017, with speed-up detected over the entire drainage. The mass loss for Wilkins ...
A cold system normally takes longer to warm up than a cool system. Yet recent theoretical studies have suggested that the reverse may sometimes be possible. Here, using a colloidal particle in a heat ...
10 10 21 Undergraduate students (95.2% of the samples) across the U.S. and Canada and participants from one online panel (U.S. MTurk). 1.000 11 16 36 University students (~75%) and participants from ...
Zhang et al. (1) report that the Tibetan Plateau experienced a continuous advancing start of green-up date (SOS) from 1982 to 2011 based on the merged Global Inventory Modeling and Mapping Studies ...
The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is the site at which secreted proteins (such as the hormone insulin) and membrane-bound proteins are folded. ATP-dependent chaperones within the ER help proteins fold.
PNAS provides several article-level metrics for all articles. Click on the “Info & Metrics” tab of any PNAS article to see its Altmetric score, citation counts, and usage data, including downloads of ...
Edited by Joseph Kieber, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC; received November 27, 2024; accepted January 7, 2025 ...
The sustainable aviation challenge is attracting plenty of investment and brainpower—as well as government policies aiming to incentivize development. But the innovations coming out of these efforts ...