Il Maersk Tangier è la prima causa inglese a prendere in considerazione i limiti d'imballaggio per i carichi containerizzati ai sensi delle Regole dell'Aja-Visby. Il Consigliere della Regina Robert ...
South Korean shipbuilder HD Hyundai Heavy Industries is planning to establish a shipyard in India to meet local demand. A ...
No decisive progress has been made in the definition of the global strategy to decarbonise the shipping on the occasion of the Intersessional Working meeting Group on Reduction of GHG Emissions from ...
The journalist died yesterday, at the age of 83 Neapolitan Bianca D'Antonio who has collaborated with several newspapers, including "Il Mattino", "Il Secolo XIX" and "The Maritime Alarm", and was a ...
Thanks to the increase of +15.3% recorded in the second half of the year of the year compared to the same period in 2023 which has more which offset the -6.4% drop in freight traffic in the first six ...
No se han realizado avances decisivos en la definición de la estrategia global para descarbonizar la transporte marítimo con ocasión de la reunión de trabajo entre períodos de sesiones Grupo sobre la ...
Aucun progrès décisif n’a été accompli en ce qui concerne la définition de la stratégie mondiale de décarbonation transport maritime à l’occasion de la réunion de travail intersessions Groupe sur la ...
The South Korean shipping company HMM has been selected by private equity firm Hahn & Co. as the preferred bidder for the acquisition of SK Shipping, Seoul shipping company that has a fleet of tankers ...
Grâce à la hausse de +15,3 % enregistrée au second semestre de l’année par rapport à la même période en 2023 qui a plus qui compensent la baisse de -6,4 % du trafic fret au cours des six premiers mois ...
Gracias al incremento del +15,3% registrado en la segunda mitad del año del año en comparación con el mismo período de 2023, que tiene más lo que compensó la caída del -6,4% en el tráfico de ...
If in 2024 containerized transit traffic gave a decisive contribution to the growth of this type of cargo in the ports of Barcelona and Valencia, this was not the case for the other major Spanish ...
Le journaliste est décédé hier, à l’âge de 83 ans La Napolitaine Bianca D’Antonio qui a collaboré avec plusieurs journaux, y compris « Il Mattino », « Il Secolo XIX » et « L’alarme maritime », et ...