In the last two months, several inception meetings were held to launch the project CIRcularity of Nutrients in AgroecoSystems ...
In a concerted effort to enhance health security in West Africa, stakeholders from the region’s One Health platforms gathered ...
We would like to share with our donors and partners the list of publications of ILRI East and Southeast Asia publicized from July to December 2024.
Ethiopia's dairy sector offers immense potential to enhance nutrition, strengthen food security and boost economic growth. The International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), in collaboration with ...
CGIAR research is carried out through a number of CGIAR Research Initiatives and platforms; more information is available on the CGIAR website. ILRI is actively engaged in several of these initiatives ...
ILRI is actively engaged in several CGIAR initiatives and platforms.
Scientist-CTLGH/Livestock Genetics: Reproductive Technologies & Precision breeding, Biobanking management, and ABS- Nagoya Protocol ...
Edward H. Cabezas Garcia received a PhD degree in Animal Nutrition and Management from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in 2017. After completing his PhD, he has held two post-doc ...