Healthy habits support healthy brains! Explore MIND diet recommendations for eating well, the importance of social connections, and activities to exercise the body and brain. MyPlate for Older Adults ...
Every business needs to have a written business plan, whether creating or expanding a business. Formulating a business plan should be one of the first things done when starting a new business, because ...
Iowa 4-H Youth Development is the premier youth development program of Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. Providing research-based education to K-12 youth, Iowa 4-H focuses on Healthy ...
Knowing your farm’s Corn Suitability Rating index (CSR2) provides you with valuable insight into its potential productivity. The CSR2 system is unique to Iowa and originally created to equalize tax ...
Many tenants and land owners agree to set their cash rental rates based on actual prices, yields and/or production costs each year instead of fixing a rate in advance. More information on flexible ...
Fluctuating markets and uncertain yields make it difficult to arrive at a fair cash rental rate in advance of each crop year. To address this problem, some landowners and tenants use flexible lease ...
Additional 4-H youth participated in the National Western Roundup held in Denver, Colorado, during the Western National Stock ...
As farmers wrap up their harvest for the year, they are beginning to look ahead to next year. Unless a current farm lease was terminated by September 1 of this year, the lease will remain in place.
You operate a small farm, own a compact tractor and have decided you want to make your own hay. Maybe you're tired of paying high prices for hay. Maybe you're constantly disappointed by the quality of ...
This is the time of year when our yards and gardens require maintenance work that generates a lot of residue in the way of dead plants, leaves, branches and twigs. There are a couple of options to ...
It can be hard to feel motivated to exercise during the long winter months. The Live Healthy Iowa 10-Week Wellness Challenge may be the answer! This 10-week challenge includes tracking activity ...
Registration is open to out-of-state individuals who hunt and sell in Iowa; however, additional certification may be required ...