In a study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, we demonstrated that male spiders use olfactory ...
Scientists have discovered the first South American scorpion known to spray venom, using a costly but effective defence ...
Homosexual Giraffes Do What Comes Naturally EPISODE SYNOPSIS At any moment in time, one in every 20 male giraffes can be found amorously necking with another male. Or so says one study into ...
In the middle of the Mozambiquean Channel, a two-day sail from civilisation, lies Bassas Da India a submerged volcanic atoll and shipwreck graveyard. Utilising the quiet technology of a rebreather ...
WARNING: This footage is extremely graphic and may offend sensitive viewers. In March 2013 Kruger National Park section ranger Richard Sowry captured the ugly face of South Africa's poaching ...
Interview - Cameramen describes gruesome scene EPISODE SYNOPSIS This video of a baboon eating a newborn gazelle while it's still alive is one of the most disturbing scenes we’ve captured on film ...
Sea fans, barracuda & a giant clam in 4K EPISODE SYNOPSIS Take your time exploring the unusual reef formations of Thailand’s Phi-Phi National Marine Reserve and you’ll be treated to some ...
Lion mating ritual up close EPISODE SYNOPSIS It's not a behaviour often captured on film, but the Earth Touch crew recently got the chance to film African lions mating in the wild! When it comes ...
Lionfish, adorable anemone shrimp & mystery fish in 4K EPISODE SYNOPSIS In this week’s Wild Oceans, we explore the untouched reefs of the Philippines in ultra high definition. A beautiful ...
Komodo dragon charges film crew EPISODE SYNOPSIS Rough terrain, extreme humidity and a few unexpected mishaps take their toll on the crew. And as they find out more about the dragon that rules ...
Square fish & a three-legged turtle EPISODE SYNOPSIS No such thing as a square fish? This bright spotted boxfish cruising through the waters off Thailand's coast begs to differ! And amongst some ...