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This section features research, reports and updates from the Resource Centre.
This is Shein's supply chain. The factories are contracted to make clothes on order - some small, some big. If the chinos are ...
Explore the big challenges, opportunities, debates and frameworks for business and human rights. This section contains a selection of key portals curated by our global team.
"Revealed: women making clothes for west face sexual abuse", 7 April 2019 Female factory workers producing clothing and shoes in Vietnam – many probably for major US and European brands – face ...
Despite the longstanding and well-documented failureof social audits, certifications and related initiatives, the approach has so far largely evaded legal accountability. In the context of the EU ...
Climate change is a growing catastrophe and an enormous opportunity for the world. It requires a rapid, global energy transition. The speed of the shift will depend on the scale and scope of ...
Electric vehicles (EV) - coupled with low-carbon electricity generation - are key in reducing our carbon footprint from transport. Some of the biggest manufacturers, including Volkswagen, Volvo and ...