And besides. the individuals are not the important part of the story. The principle of free speech is what matters. And it has not been a good week for freedom of expression. These setbacks to our ...
Milk sales are up and those of its imitators or substitutes are either stagnant or falling. The reason that we, in India, might find this surprising is because we already knew this. We have never ...
All of these explanations are plausible enough. But none fully explains the suddenness with which Allahbadia went from hero to Public Enemy Number One. The second important question we need to ask is: ...
Vir Sanghvi is the best-known Indian journalist of his generation. His career straddles print, television, books and now, new media. Vir Sanghvi was born in London in 1956 and educated at Mayo College ...
That Kochi should be so full of Christian symbols despite being a largely Hindu city is one of the miracles of Kerala, the Indian state with the highest literacy rate (again, excluding the Northeast).
Now that both Vistara and Jet are gone, Air India has a monopoly in business class. So it could make profits by selling lots of high yield, profit making business class seats on metro sectors. Instead ...
So it looks like the Taj Mahal Hotel in New Delhi may go up for auction and may even cease to be a Taj Hotel if somebody else makes a higher bid. That, at least, is what the Delhi High Court ruled a ...
I went to dinner in Delhi‘s Connaught Place a fortnight ago. There was a time when it was the city‘s restaurant hub. Then, as Delhi exploded in all directions, the Connaught Place restaurants began to ...
It’s a funny thing, but in all of New York City, there is only one Indian restaurant with a Michelin star. And that’s been true for the last three years. Contrast this with London, where six Indian ...