Команда HD8G будет активна с Галапагосских островов, IOTA SA - 004, Эквадор, 18 - 25 апреля 2025.
W1DED Video. Top Contesting Secrets: Break Through Pile-Ups Like a Pro!
Члены команды ожидают получения визы для одного из участников.
DX-Adventure is thrilled to announce our upcoming VU4AX DX-pedition to the beautiful South Andaman Islands (IOTA AS-001).
VU4AX Team will be active from Andaman Islands, IOTA AS - 001, 10 - 21 March 2025. Team - ON4AMX/VU3PFV, ON4HIL/VU3PFT, ON5UR/VU3PFE, ON5RA/VU3PFF, ON5TN, ON6CC/VU3PFN, ON7FT/VU3PFH, ON7USB/VU3PFQ, ...
5N9DTG Team will be active from Abuja, Nigeria, during 2 week starting 25 January 2025. Team - Members of the Rebel DX Group. On the coast of the Gulf of Guinea in West Africa sits the fascinating ...
He is of the same age group as myself. In 1961 when he was 14 years old, Jurgis discovered a radio club in the school he attended in Kursenai, a small town near Siaulai in the northern part of ...
Guatemala, which gave the world instant coffee at the beginning of the twentieth century, lies between the southern and northern parts of the American continent. Washed by the Caribbean Sea and the ...
As requested by many of our viewers, DXNews now feature a Forum covering the most important topics related to Amateur radio.
Darren, VK4MAP will be active as H40DA from Pigeon Island, IOTA OC - 065, Temotu, early part 2025. He will operate on 80 - 10m, SSB. Darren, VK4FEDX is currently active from Nendo Island, IOTA OC - ...
Chuck, KG9N will be active as VP2ECV from Anguilla Island, IOTA NA - 022, 4 - 18 February 2025. He will operate on HF Bands. Recent DX Spots VP2ECV QSL via home call. Anguilla Island is the pearl of ...