The bulk of the soil solid fraction is constituted by soil minerals, which exert significant direct and indirect influences on the supply and availability of most nutrient elements. The main ...
and clay particles that make up a particular soil — or the mineralogy of those soil particles can have a significant impact on soil carbon stocks. Additionally, the processes of erosion and ...
Salts are natural components of soil, surface, and groundwater. They are ionic mineral compounds, which means they bonded by electrostatic attractions between cations (+ charge) and anions (- charge).
The effect of soil pH is great on the solubility of minerals or nutrients. Fourteen of the seventeen essential plant nutrients are obtained from the soil. Before a nutrient can be used by plants it ...
Study of the physico-chemical and mechanical behavior of soil. Topics include: soil mineralogy, formation, composition, concepts of drained and undrained stress-strain and strength behavior, frozen ...
Soil is a living ecosystem which has developed over millennia and differs based on location, climate, geography, geology and human influence. Soil contains mineral particles, air, water, living ...
A study in Forest Ecosystems shows that particulate organic carbon (POC) dominates surface soils, while mineral-associated ...
Currently, Amherst scientists aim to engineer Camelina sativa, a member of the mustard family, to behave like another plant ...