The pneumoperitoneum resolved within 7 days. Forty days after the PEG, tube feeding was resumed successfully. No recurrence of pneumoperitoneum developed and the patient has remained stable until ...
In rare cases, it can be used for longer-term nutrition if the patient is not a candidate for a feeding tube placed directly in the abdomen. Gastrostomy Tube: Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) ...
A daughter recounts her father’s pain and agony Sir, As my father had a throat surgery two years back, he could not eat or ...
Ponsky, MD, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio. Pneumoperitoneum has been observed in 36% of patients undergoing PEG tube placement. [38] It is theorized that excessive air insufflation ...
Researchers sought to identify studies on enteral feeding and its effects on nutrition status, survival, and quality of life in patients with upper gastrointestinal cancers.