Atopic dermatitis is one of the most common types of eczema. Signs may include inflamed skin, rash, itchiness and excessive dryness. It may also include bumps and swollen skin that may ooze.
Eczema is an umbrella term for various inflammatory skin conditions, or dermatitis. Several types of dermatitis involve an overreaction from the immune system, but it is not an autoimmune condition.
This is not a comprehensive list. Talk with a doctor about other ... it affects every individual differently. Like other types of eczema, symptoms may last from several days to months.
Many people find that aloe vera gel can hydrate and soothe eczema-damaged skin ... It is also important to check the ingredients list carefully when shopping for aloe vera gels or other skin ...
Many studies have reported an inverse association between childhood leukemia and preceding history of allergy; however, the associations between specific allergy types and development of leukemia ...
Learn more about the types and possible benefits and side effects of steroid creams for eczema. Topical steroid creams, also called topical corticosteroids, are one of the most commonly prescribed ...
Below, "GMA" has curated a list of top-rated products to soothe eczema-prone skin for babies and toddlers. This rich cream is loaded with colloidal oatmeal to create skin barrier protection and ...