In parts of the world where traveling to a clinic for routine blood tests is a financial and logistical challenge, HIV patients increasingly have the option to collect and ship a drop of their ...
Head of HKSTP’s Biomedical Technology (BMT) Cluster. Hosting 160 biotechnological companies, a significant increase from 30 in the past five years, HKSTP is home to companies creating original ...
Google has unveiled a groundbreaking AI tool aimed at aiding biomedical scientists by synthesizing vast literature and ...
The concentration area and certificate program aims to provide engineers with the comprehensive education and training necessary to succeed in careers in business, industry, non-profit organizations, ...
Researchers from the School of Engineering of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) have successfully developed the world's smallest multifunctional biomedical robot ...
Built as an application program interface that can access all major wearable and internet of things providers, Spike's platform helps medical providers gain access to an exhaustive user ...
Duracell® batteries will be integrated into KIFFIK Biomonitoring Devices, such as health monitors, that detect various ...
Clearside Biomedical, Inc. (NASDAQ:CLSD), currently valued at $81.15 million, is a biotechnology company focused on developing innovative therapies for blinding eye diseases using its proprietary SCS ...
CSIR laboratory for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology has developed a biomedical waste conversion rig that can ...
The Biomedical Terahertz Technology Center (BTTC) was established in 2012 with the goal of translating the extensive terahertz technology expertise available at UMass Lowell to biomedical applications ...
SPIE 8985, Terahertz, RF, Millimeter, and Submillimeter-Wave Technology and Applications VII ... "Investigating the Effects of Terahertz Radiation on Bacillus subtilis," in Dynamics and Fluctuations ...
Nature Biomedical Engineering brings together notable advances in applied biomedicine and health technology, and enhances their visibility by means of News & Views articles and editorials ...