Soil moisture has declined more than 2,600 gigatonnes since 2000, making a greater contribution to sea level rise than ...
A transformational technology that uses microwaves to defrost and ultrasound to break down contaminants in melted lunar ice ...
A well-timed atmospheric river dropped enough snow on Greenland for its ice sheet to lose 8% less mass than expected.
Water is an essential part of life on Earth, and possibly elsewhere – and now it we know it may have formed not long after ...
Scientists reveal water formed soon after the first supernova explosions, suggesting life-friendly conditions existed earlier ...
VIJAYAWADA: Prashanth Hospital in Vijayawada introduced Resume Water Vapour Therapy for prostate problems, a first in the State. Chairman and urologist Dr K Prashant Kumar described it as a ...
Greatest underestimations are likely during winter mornings when the humidity is high and pollution most severe ...
Plants shape Earth’s atmosphere by moving carbon and water vapour. New research sheds light on how they learned to do it – and how it may change in future climates.
The Solar System's first-of-its-kind finding may be a 90% water planet. Is the dwarf planet, Ceres, holding the possibility ...
A WOMAN has revealed the £4.20 hack she used to banish dangerous mould from her bathroom. With temperatures plummeting this weekend, you may have noticed that the cold weather has ...
New Delhi's air pollution is more severe than previously estimated with particles absorbing atmospheric water vapour leading to particulate matter levels across the city being underestimated by up to ...