If something 'lacks' structure, you can 'devise', 'create' or 'impose' one. These verbs are commonly used with the noun 'structure'. Learn common collocations with 'structure' with Phil in this video.
A view is how you see the world – your opinions and beliefs. Learn which verbs you’re likely to hear with the word 'view'. Find a free transcript for this episode and more programmes to help you with ...
An answer is a response to a question or a problem, and there are many ways we can talk about it. Learn which verbs you’re likely to hear with it. Find a free transcript for this episode and more ...
A role is the behaviour of a person in a specific situation. There are some words that we often use together. These are ...
This handout is available for download in PDF format. Active verbs are important components of any academic writing! Just as in other forms of writing, they work as engines, driving the action of your ...
Different verbs take different types of complements and assign them to various positions. Two that we will consider here are ergative and unaccusative verbs. The basic one each assign a single ...
Express one idea per sentence. Use your current topic — that is, what you are writing about — as the grammatical subject of your sentence (see Verbs: Choosing between active and passive voice).
And quite frankly, they have lost their meaning when it comes to properly communicating your accomplishments. So, let's spruce up your resume with a few action verbs and phrases that will catch the ...
Movies are a popular form of entertainment. But it seems the amount of violence shown in these movies has really shifted over the years. A new study led by Ohio State University suggests that the ...