The First Appellate Authority upheld this decision, citing the Supreme Court’s ruling in CBSE & Anr. vs. Aditya Bandopadhyay & Ors. (2011), which established that public authorities are not required ...
One of Victoria’s peak property bodies has slammed the Allan government’s ruthless land tax regime, warning inaccurate ...
1.1 Rule 17 (1) of the Valuation Rules provides that based on findings of an inspection, if the authorised officer is of the prima facie opinion that sufficient cause exists to cancel or suspend the ...
There is a public demand to better understand and unpeg the fair market value determined by the chief valuer for land reserved for the HDB, said Leader of the Opposition Pritam Singh. He wanted to ...
But NSW valuer general Sally Dale is not cheering the result, acknowledging price rises are “probably not healthy” and add to the strain on home buyers. Increases in values can result in land ...
He is the managing director of APIL and has experience as a valuer, consultant and project coordinator for investment acquisitions and commercial and industrial sales. He was a director of Burgess ...