And while Geisel himself was always apprehensive of adaptation, The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T was meant to be his expedition ...
It is a veritable race to the bottom on a continent that brands itself a humanitarian superpower. Amid some fierce ...
The Empire uses all the standard instruments that the “good old” totalitarian regimes used against dissidents: illegitimate arrests and detention, media character assassination, and torture.
Totalitarian bureaucracy necessitates a constant state of crisis and there is no better creator of crises than imperial ...
Sky News host Rita Panahi has called out a CNN panellist who was screeching about a “totalitarian fascist coup” happening ...
And I think no, it is not too late, because still 70 percent of the world GDP is in the hands of non-totalitarian open societies. If we stick together, if we join forces, then our negotiation ...
Jeff Jarvis, a professor at Stony Brook University said on CNN that we are in the "middle of a totalitarian fascist coup." JEFF JARVIS, VISITING PROFESSOR, STONY BROOK UNIVERSITY: It's a ridiculous ...
That profound thinker, Henry Wallace, darling of the totalitarian liberals,* is wont to contrast political democracy in the U.S. with the “economic democracy” of the Soviet Union….
As expected, the party of Emomali Rakhmon, who has been at the helm of the country since 1994, obtained an absolute majority ...
The indie game developer VoltekPlay is delighted to present its upcoming title, Ministry of Order. Click here for more ...