Navigating ethical gray areas has never been more complicated. Joseph Badaracco offers wisdom for decision-makers ...
According to a 2023 study, being bored gives the brain a chance to recharge and explore new ideas when not actively engaged ...
A judge on Thursday examined arguments over President Donald Trump’s decision to freeze billions of dollars in foreign aid ...
As Israel remains deadlocked with Hamas over key issues, Gaza’s future after the war ends appears no closer to a resolution.
约翰内斯堡讯 - 钻石勘探和项目开发公司Botswana Diamonds PLC已获得其在南非Thorny River项目的采矿许可证。该许可证允许公司在项目区域内两个金伯利岩体中的一个进行采矿作业,这些区域已显示出商业钻石开采的潜力。
The discovery of two viable kimberlite blows within the project led to mining permit applications, with one secured.
Thorn-proof gardening gloves are an essential tool for any gardener who deals with prickly plants, thorny shrubs, or any ...