习语 a leopard can’t change its spots是指江山易改,本性难移,形容人们要改掉坏习惯不是那么容易,即使他们佯装会改。当的士业界威胁要罢驶五天,除非政府取缔Uber这类叫车服务,司机的不诚实又再一次展现。真是可笑。的士司机需要问自己,为何即使Uber车资更昂贵,它在香港仍是这么受欢迎。Uber司机有礼,车辆整洁,容易预约,也不会像的士那样拒绝短途车程。
汽车购置税改革最近成为 headlines in the automotive industry. With the introduction of new tax rates and the abolition of vehicle depreciation deductions, the tax system for car purchases has undergone ...
Currently, three cities in China--Shanghai, Lanzhou, and Wuwei--offer heavy ion treatment. Zhejiang now joins the list, with the Zhejiang Cancer Hospital’s Heavy Ion Medical Center standing out as the ...
BEIJING, Feb. 15 (Xinhua) — An article by Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, on improving the systems for exercising full and rigorous Party ...