The text may have urgent language or appear from a legitimate source. That's by design, and it could be to your detriment.
E-ZPass and most other toll agencies do not send texts to non-account holders.
The text claims to be a recruiter from the company, but the fraudsters are actually looking to steal your money.
The chorus of authorities warning about a popular text message scam has grown as fake toll road texts continue to attack ...
FBI issues new warning of nationwide 'smishing' text scam from E-ZPass or other road toll collection service. Here's what to ...
The toll pass scam has been seen elsewhere, but Florida, which has more toll roads of any state in the country, is ...
Scammers are using text messages with the threat of fines for unpaid parking fees to collect credit card numbers and other ...
Northstar bank alerted customers about fraudulent text messages with scam links. The bank advises to not click the links and ...
We recently received an email from Jane, who wrote to us about a suspicious text message she received. Her experience serves ...
The FBI is warning Americans not to respond to scam road toll collection texts after receiving more than 2,000 complaints this month.