Naval and air forces of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Southern Theater Command on Tuesday tracked, monitored and ...
The territorial sky is the airspace extending 12 nautical miles (about 22 km) from a country’s coastline and, just like in ...
"On February 18, a Philippine C-208 reconnaissance aircraft illegally intruded into China's territorial airspace over Huangyan Dao without [the] permission of [the] Chinese government.” ...
The incident on the morning of Aug. 26 was the first confirmed intrusion into Japanese airspace by a Chinese military aircraft. “There is no doubt that a military aircraft violating territorial ...
Journalists on the Philippines’ plane filmed the helicopter coming dangerously close. Beijing has become increasingly ...
Chinese naval and air forces warned off a Philippine C-208 aircraft that intruded illegally into Chinese territorial airspace over Huangyan Dao Tuesday. Clearly, Manila has not ceased making waves ...
Soccer shirts depicting the disputed Western Sahara as part of Morocco violated rules against political messaging, a court ...
China's military has claimed to have driven away three Philippine aircraft from the Spratly Islands on Thursday, calling the ...
The territorial sky is the airspace extending 12 nautical miles (about 22 km) from a country’s coastline and, just like in territorial waters, foreign aircraft can’t enter without permission ...
Naval and air forces of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Southern Theater Command on Tuesday tracked, monitored and warned off a Philippine C-208 aircraft from the territorial airspace over ...
monitored and warned off a Philippine C-208 aircraft from the territorial airspace over China's Huangyan Dao in accordance with the law and regulations, a Chinese military spokesperson said.