(2025年3月10日,广东东莞)女子中巡连战两周,本周转向东莞观澜湖举办2025赛季第一场常规赛:衡泰信女子公开赛。总共12位蓝湾大师赛参赛选手,包括6位晋级选手马不停蹄赶来。衡泰信女子公开赛即将启幕来到东莞观澜湖的练习场上,她们会发现别的比赛不会有的黑科技:9台衡泰信便携感测器Spica ...
Spica Technologies provides a broad range of optical test and measurement services for manufacturers and end users of optical components. Founded in 1989, Spica has evolved as the premier source for ...
The action begins when Spica disappears behind the moon's bright limb. This part of the event will probably require a small telescope, because glare from the moon's sunlit edge will tend to hide ...