It can be confusing to understand the impact of different jitter sources and how to calculate a jitter budget when specifying a digital system. This white paper explains how jitter changes the period ...
As the syntax of the INVALUE, PICTURE, and VALUE statements indicates, you must specify values as value-range-sets. On the left side of the equals sign you specify the values that you want to convert ...
This article is part of a series on specifying jitter for PLLs. The next article in this series will consider jitter in the context of clocked logic. It will discuss the relationship between timing ...
This colors list is found in the device entry of the specified device driver (for details on specifying a device driver, refer to The GDEVICE Procedure). If you select a different device driver during ...
Join RIBAJ and Hilti at the 'Designing and Specifying for Fire Safety' conference and ensure your practice is at the forefront of compliance and innovation. The Building Safety Act 2022 requires ...