One fast food chain uses sous vide, the low-and-slow cooking technique usually associated with fine dining, to produce meals ...
Sous vide cooking is technically possible with a thermometer and hot water, but you must constantly monitor your water bath to maintain the target temperature. Instead, sous vide cooks rely on the ...
Below Deck Down Under’s new sous chef is ready to spice things up! After near constant bickering between Head Chef Tzarina ...
Sous vide ribeye guarantees perfect doneness and tenderness. Learn the best temps, seasoning, and searing techniques for a ...
Just in time for St. Patrick’s Day, Angie Horkan from the Wisconsin Beef Council is sharing a recipe that will be easy to perfect. No luck needed.
Captain Jason Chambers fired Anthony in Season 3, Episode 3 after learning that the confident and “disrespectful” sous chef had secretly accepted another job. “So you can go today ...
“Every galley is full of egos with chefs. But at the end of the day, there is one head chef and a sous chef. He needs to step in line and she needs to take control.” Tzarina, however, didn’t ...
A sous chef at the University of Lynchburg won a bronze medal in the National Association of Colleges & University Food Services Culinary Challenge.
Sous Chef Anthony Bird is done on Below Deck Down Under, and all we can say is that didn’t take long. The episode packed a punch we didn’t expect, with Anthony accepting a new job but getting ...
Last year, sous chef Joey Lizama was tasked with revamping the menu at HāLani restaurant, located in the Mauna Lani resort along Hawai‘i Island’s South Kohala coast.