A death adder at an Australian wildlife park found to have three fangs that all produce deadly neurotoxic venom.
The face-off between a King Cobra and a Bengal Tiger reveals the tiger's physical prowess, strength, and combat skills would ...
One death adder that has been part of the Australian Reptile Park’s venom extraction programme for about seven years has now ...
A pill used to combat mercury and arsenic poisoning could be repurposed to tackle snakebites, trials have found.
A RARE MUTANT snake with three sharp fangs has been discovered making its venomous bite even more deadly. Zookeepers at the ...
Researchers from the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM) and the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) Wellcome ...
A mum has cautioned dog walkers to be watchful of snakes after her family’s golden retriever had to be saved with expensive ...
The Irula tribe in southern India has a long-standing tradition of safely extracting venom from some of the world’s deadliest ...
Many bites are the result of intentional interaction with snakes, and the study suggests many bites could be prevented.
Zookeepers at the Australian Reptile Park in Somersby, New South Wales, believe they may be housing the 'most dangerous death ...
In the village of Siphocosini, Eswatini, Clement Tsabedze still remembers the moment that nearly took his life.
In the 63 years of hosting the Rattlesnake Rodeo, health officials at Mizell Memorial Hospital say they see more snake bites ...