For nearly a century, scientists from a diverse set of fields have been captured by questions about the origins of life. How did life, in all of its complexity, arise from comparatively simple matter?
Applications for the third Complexity Global School (CGS) are now open. The school will be hosted at Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia, and applicants from all countries are eligible to ...
Medieval friar William of Ockham posited a famous idea: always pick the simplest explanation. Often referred to as the parsimony principle, “Ockham’s razor” has shaped scientific decisions for ...
The SFI Press endeavors to make available the best of complexity science quickly and affordably, to provide a distillation of discussions, debates, and meetings across a wide range of topics. To ...
The concept of a “fitness landscape,” a picturesque term for a mapping of the vertices of a finite graph to the real numbers, has arisen in several fields, including evolutionary theory. The ...
Complex Systems Summer School (CSSS) offers an intensive four-week introduction to complex behavior in mathematical, physical, living, and social systems. CSSS brings together graduate students, ...
A theoretical research center... devoted to understanding the fundamental principles of complex systems at a variety of scales, from cell biology to human societies.
Abha Eli Phoboo: From the Santa Fe Institute, this is Complexity. Melanie Mitchell: I’m Melanie Mitchell. Abha: And I’m Abha Eli Phoboo. [THEME MUSIC FADES OUT] So far in this season, we’ve looked at ...
Brave thinkers willing to explore new ideas about economics, policy, and governance. Early-career scholars and change-makers from civil society and private industry are equally encouraged to apply.
This paper tests two of the simplest and most popular trading rules--moving average and trading range break, by utilizing a very long data series, the Dow Jones index from 1897 to 1986. Standard ...