In a move that will allow it to expand its services to include auctions, John D Wood has joined forces with Iamsold.
In a highly unusual move, Ashford Borough Council is calling for more to be done to encourage responsible landlords to remain ...
David Gowland was expelled by a RICS disciplinary panel after leaving his client liable for council legal costs.
Ahead of International Women's Day, two leading women working within the sector tell The Neg there is still much to do, but ...
Islington in London records the slowest property transactions at five months, according to figures released by quick-buying platform OneDome.
New research shows how women start 'strongly' in the industry but numbers thin out the further up the career ladder significantly.
Big Midlands council is fighting to get serviced accommodation which 'bypassed HMO regulations' re-designated as an HMO.
The London giant has purchased independent lettings agency Marshall Vizard in Watford to follow two other acquisitions last ...
Lloyd Davies formerly of Convey Law has apologised to the people involved in the case, but slammed the way in which the ...
Research by Countrywide Surveying Services found only 9% of buyers received a valuation below the agreed purchase price and ...
NRLA says Emma Reynold's claim that rising rents are just down to 'not enough homes being built' to rent are not accurate - ...
The rapid growth of AI in the property industry has led to RICS launching a public consultation on how it can be used ...