Reflecting on the potential for extraterrestrial life can inspire awe and have a profound effect on your worldview ...
Susanne K Langer understood the indispensable power of metaphors, which allow us to say new things with old words ...
Social media utterances aren’t enough. Burke’s stand against colonial injustice shows we must confront our own complicity ...
Studies of young children give us insight into the building blocks of an ability that most of us use every day ...
The stories of three quilters interweave to form an intimate portrait of women’s creativity and resilience in the American West ...
Don’t believe everything you hear, read and watch. To puncture received ideas about culture, start thinking like Jacques Derrida Save ...
is professor of psychology at the University of Waterloo in Canada, and a cognitive neuroscientist. He is the author, with John Eastwood, of Out of My Skull: The Psychology of Boredom (2020). is ...
is an evolutionary social psychologist with broad interests in how the recurrent challenges of our distant past help us understand our motivational states today. He is the author of The Social Leap ...
An ancient floor mosaic found in Antakya, Turkey. Loosely translated, the Greek text ‘Euphrosynos’ may mean ‘be cheerful, enjoy life’. Courtesy Antakya Archaeology Museum/Wikipedia ...