在临床及生化诊断证据存在时,磁共振胆管造影(MRCP)对PSC的诊断具有非常高的特异性,为PSC诊断的首选非侵入性影像学检查方法。其影像学表现为肝内外胆管多灶性、短节段性、环状狭窄,胆管壁僵硬缺乏弹性,可伴有狭窄上段胆管扩张;患者病情进展可显示为长段 ...
Secondary sclerosing cholangitis (SSC) is a chronic cholestatic biliary disease, characterized by inflammation, obliterative fibrosis of the bile ducts, stricture formation and progressive ...
In the early 2000s, when Dr. Alexandra Cvijanovich was completing her medical training in Utah, her team cared for a ...
Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a progressive scarring of the liver's bile ducts. According to current estimates, between 5 and 16 in every 100,000 people have PSC. The symptoms of PSC ...
Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a rare, chronic cholestatic liver disease of uncertain etiology characterized by the destruction of the intrahepatic and/or extrahepatic ducts through ...
Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a chronic autoimmune disease with inflammation and stricture formation in the bile ducts inside the liver and/or in the extrahepatic bile duct which drains into ...
Sclerosing therapy using polidocanol under power and laser Doppler guidance was initiated, with immediate decrease of capillary blood flow by 25% with resolution of the neovascularisation in power ...
However, high resolution colour Doppler ultrasound has shown that neovascularisation may be involved. Objective: To investigate if sclerosing the neovessels would affect the level of tendon pain.