From March to May, northern China is forecast to see nine to 12 sand and dust storms, down from the long-term average of 12.5 ...
The University of Alicante have produced a study warning about the negative consequences of sand mining. The Department of ...
In response to last year's winter storms, Maine allowed coastal landowners to rebuild docks, wharves, and piers higher to prepare for future storms and sea level rise. Now a Wells lawmaker wants state ...
The project reused sand pushed by storms instead of importing it, saving costs and working with nature. The plan includes ...
Most Southwest Florida beaches are on a renourishment schedule, which calls for sand to be pumped on to the coastline every ...
Sand and dust storms are frequent in the region, affecting almost all the regional countries. Independent studies by these countries show that while the sources of the SDSs are scattered in the region ...
Trap bags were put in place to help decrease erosion and protect what's left of the dunes. However, Cyzycki explains they ...
The project reused sand pushed by storms instead of importing it, saving costs and working with nature. The plan includes creating a protective barrier using Sand Dollar Island, the lagoon ...
Two of the beach’s most popular activities aim to revive hurricane-damaged spirits. Kite festivals are popular on Treasure Island Beach, like this one from 2012, and so are sand sculpting festivals.