In February 1692, strange illness struck two young girls in Salem, igniting the infamous Witch Trials. Uncover the truth behind this dark chapter in history. 13-year-old honored by Trump ran into ...
SALEM — During a celebration for the upcoming locally filmed documentary “The Last Witch”, Biff Michaud, CEO of the Salem Witch Museum, made a $10,000 contribution toward the film in an ...
In 1692, the colonial town of Salem, Massachusetts, became caught up in a fervor over alleged witchcraft. In her new book “The Witches,” Stacy Schiff explores what led a group of Puritans to ...
What is the 'modern' version of a witch hunt? As was the case in Salem, modern witch hunts involve the trial and persecution of people who have been accused of witchcraft. The hunts can often ...
it causes a scandal in the Puritanical town of Salem, Massachusetts. After a meddling girl arouses their suspicions, the town's elders accuse Barbara of being a witch. She is tried, convicted of ...