其次,Retroid Pocket Flip 2在散热方面也做了重大升级。它配备了主动风扇散热系统,这在同级别掌机中并不多见。这意味着新款掌机可以在高负荷运行时保持冷静,为更强大的处理器性能提供了保障。虽然具体的处理器型号尚未公布,但可以预见的是,这款掌机在运行经典游戏和现代移植作品时会更加流畅。
The Retroid Pocket Flip 2 and Pocket Classic are priced competitively, and pre-order dates are starting sooner than expected.
IT之家 3 月 9 日消息,国内掌机公司 Retroid 在去年 9 月推出了一款 Retroid Pocket Mini 安卓掌机,该机采用高通骁龙 865 处理器,售价为 199 美元(IT之家备注:当时约 1412 元人民币)。
尽管Retroid方面尚未公布Pocket Flip 2天玑版本的具体售价,但根据市场预测,其定价很可能高于上一代的160美元(约1166元人民币)。这一价格策略反映了Retroid对于这款新品的高度自信,同时也预示着它将为用户带来更为出色的游戏体验 ...
Retroid has announced pricing for the Pocket Flip 2 and Pocket Classic, while also sharing something even more exciting.
The Retroid Pocket Classic is a new gaming handheld with an old-school design that’s heavily inspired by classic consoles like the Nintendo Game Boy. But with a 3.92 inch, 1240 x 1080 pixel, 500 nit ...
After acknowledging unfixable issues impacting the gaming handheld’s display, Retroid opened a six-day return window capped ...
而根据 RetroHandhelds 报道,该机的这一着色器在某些游戏 / 应用中存在重大问题,导致游戏 / 应用中部分图形效果无法正常显示, 而 Retroid 最终承认无法解决这项问题 。
Retroid has officially revealed its next handheld, the Pocket Classic. It's expected to ship alongside the Pocket Flip 2, and we suspect the Classic will fly off the shelves.
The Retroid Pocket Classic will be the company's first device with a 4nm chip, although it's likely to be a midrange affair.
这款产品采用翻盖设计,配备一块 5.5 英寸 1920x1080 分辨率 OLED 面板(亮度 500 尼特),该机搭载 联发科天玑 1100 处理器 ,使用 8GB RAM。作为比较,上一代 Pocket Flip 配备了高通骁龙 865(Adreno 650 GPU)处理器 ...
Returns for the Retroid Pocket Mini are capped at just 200 for overseas customers.