Scientists are not sure how much metallic dust remained in the atmosphere after the most recent SpaceX rocket 'disassembly.' ...
Margao: The stench emanating from Margao’s nullahs, choked with filth and garbage, continues to raise alarm among residents ...
A new study reveals that electric cars may pollute the air more than diesel—just not in the way you think.
You might want to think twice about setting the mood with a scented wax melt (or at least open a window at the same time): a ...
Howell zoners unanimously denied an application proposing a cemetery on Route 524 after residents raised concerns about contaminated drinking water.
Opinion: Chris Wright is a climate change denier who has already targeted foundational, effective clean air and water safeguards.
Some in the neighborhood even posted signs along Route 524, also called Adelphia Farmingdale Road, bearing messages such as "Say no to the cemetery" and "Don't pollute." The 10.25-acre site is a ...