In collaboration investigators at the University of New Mexico, researchers used highly sensitive mass spectrometry to analyze 175 placentae; 100 placentae collected at term and 75 collected ...
The discovery means that there is a “possibility” that the plastic shards “could be contributing to the risk and occurrence of preterm birth,” according to Boston Children’s Hospital maternal-foetal ...
Micro- and nanoplastic particles accumulate to higher concentrations in the placentae of infants born prematurely than those born at term. This is the conclusion of a team of U.S. researchers who ...
Microplastics, which are less than 5 millimeters, and nanoplastics, which are invisible to the naked eye, are widespread throughout our environment. Research has shown that exposure to plastics ...
The team’s research was based on "highly sensitive" mass spectrometry analysis of 175 placentae; 100 of which were at term and 75 collected preterm or at less than 37 weeks of pregnancy. It was ...