The pancreaticoduodenal arteries are rare sites for true aneurysm formation, but these may develop in association with occlusion of the coeliac circulation, degenerative conditions or inflammatory ...
An incidental finding was made of a large inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery aneurysm. Following a period of monitoring, the patient underwent open repair of the aneurysm. This case report highlights ...
On the initial presentation, her hemoglobin level was 7.5 g/dL. Contrast-enhanced multidetector CT was performed (Figure 1). In the arterial phase, a 3-mm pseudoaneurysm of the inferior ...
It courses immediately inferiorly, supplying from the jejunum to the splenic flexure. In order, the branches are the inferior pancreaticoduodenal and then the middle, right, and ileocolic arteries.