Astronomers discovered a mysterious 2-hour radio pulse from a hidden white dwarf system, revealing a new type of stellar duo ...
In 2015, astrophysicists discovered a system consisting of two compact stars orbiting each other: a pulsar (i.e., a highly ...
In the past three years, astronomers have discovered a mysterious new type of radio source. We call these long-period ...
A team of scientists says two mass extinctions linked to ice ages could have been caused by supernovas many light-years away ...
Locating sources of gravitational waves using artificial intelligence could enable astronomers to point telescopes at stellar ...
BNS analyzes gravitational waves from neutron star mergers thousands of times faster and more accurately than traditional ...
A breakthrough simulation reveals how magnetars form and evolve, solving a key mystery about their magnetic origins.
Scientists have captured a special kind of radio signal from a galaxy that’s nearly 9 billion light-years away from the Earth ...
A white dwarf and a red dwarf star have been discovered closely orbiting each other emitting radio pulses every two hours.
It now takes just a fraction of a minute to detect neutron star mergers, thanks to advancements in a machine-learning-driven ...
智通财经APP获悉,有着“SpaceX劲敌”称号的Rocket Lab (RKLB.US)股价在周五美股盘前大幅走低,此前公布第四季度财报并将Neutron中子火箭首飞时间推迟至2025年下半年,较此前管理层予以“2025年中”的预期目标略有修正,一些卖方分析师甚至猜测该型火箭发射日期可能更晚。该公司公布的业绩展望则逊于分析师普遍预期,凸显出该公司“探索宇宙与星辰”与解锁中型发射的雄心壮志遭遇挫折 ...