A leading Malaysian reporter caught in a hotel raid allegedly accepting bribes to drop an investigation into a ...
Summary Malaysiakini journalist B Nantha Kumar claims trial to allegedly receiving a RM20,000 bribe as inducement to not do ...
A reporter has claimed trial at the Sessions Court here after he was charged with soliciting RM 20,000 in bribes from a ...
Two press groups vowed to provide moral support for Malaysiakini journalist B Nantha Kumar throughout his trial, under the ...
Malaysiakini journalist B Nantha Kumar is to be charged at the Putrajaya Magistrates’ Court this Friday over allegations of ...
Journalist B Nantha Kumar has pleaded not guilty at the Sessions Court here to a charge of receiving a bribe from a Pakistani ...
A Malaysian journalist was charged in court for allegedly receiving a bribe in return for backing off an investigation into ...
Malaysiakini reporter B. Nantha Kumar is expected to be charged at the Shah Alam Sessions Court this Friday (March 14) over ...
(吉隆坡1日讯)《当今大马》记者南塔库玛( B Nantha Kumar)昨晚因一篇关于涉嫌巴基斯坦集团走私移民工人进入马来西亚的报道被拘留。《当今大马》转述一名自称来自大马反贪污委员会的官员消息指出,该名记者将在今早被带往布城推事庭进行延押程序。该官员还拒绝了《当今大马》与这名记者对话的请求。2月22日,《当今大马》援引消息人士的话称,一名前移民局官员(现已获“拿督”头衔)是该集团的幕后主谋,该 ...
But that’s just one of the issues over the detention of Malaysiakini journalist B Nantha Kumar for allegedly taking RM20,000 ...
PETALING JAYA: Journalist B. Nantha Kumar, who was arrested for allegedly soliciting bribes from foreign worker agents, ...
B Nantha Kumar denies asking a foreign worker agent for a RM100,000 bribe and later negotiating it down to RM20,000.