There's much confusion surrounding pork and whether it's supposed to be red meat or white meat. But at the end of the day, it ...
MYOGLOBIN is a typical globular protein, and is found in many animal cells. Like haemoglobin, it combines reversibly with molecular oxygen; but whereas the role of haemoglobin is to transport ...
To make their Frankenstein-style meatball, Vow says it grabbed the myoglobin gene from mammoth DNA. Myoglobin is a protein that stores oxygen in the muscles, gives meat a red color, and makes that ...
Cardiac enzymes ― also known as cardiac biomarkers ― include myoglobin, troponin and creatine kinase. Historically, lactate dehydrogenase, or LDH, was also used but is non-specific.
Myoglobin, Myohämoglobin, das Sauerstoff bindende Protein des Muskels (molekulare Masse ≈ 16 700). Es besteht aus einer einzigen Polypeptidkette von 153 Aminosäuren und enthält eine Hämgruppe, welche ...
Eisen braucht der Körper als Spurenelement zwar nur in geringen Mengen, diese sind aber von großer Bedeutung. Die Wirkung von ...
Color changes in ground beef are normal and not necessarily a sign that the meat is bad. Always cook meat to 160°F. Discard the ground beef if it's past its expiration date or smells off. Ground beef ...
Myoglobin, ein im Muskel besonders konzentriertes Sauerstoff-bindendes Protein (M r 17kDa). M. besteht aus einer Peptidkette von 153 Aminosäuren. Die Raumstruktur ist gekennzeichnet durch acht Helices ...