Feng Wei at the Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, has made significant strides in understanding the BORC complex, a key player in lysosome transport and localization.
The biotech is focusing on precision, small-molecule medicines that work via a process known as cellular clearance by activating the lysosome, sometimes referred to as the cell’s recycling and ...
The Lysosome This small particle acts as the digestive tract of the living cell. Its enzymes dissolve the substances ingested by the cell and under certain circumstances can dissolve the cell itself ...
Soluble proteins are carried in the lumens of vesicles. Any proteins that are destined for a lysosome are delivered to the lysosome interior when the vesicle that carries them fuses with the ...
Once fats are broken down in the lysosome, they serve several important roles in the cell. One is membrane repair and maintenance. The broken-down fat components, such as phospholipids and ...