(法新社里斯本13日电) 葡萄牙总理蒙特内哥罗(Luis Montenegro)因利益冲突争议而下台,总统德索沙(Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa)今天宣布将在5月18日提前举行国会大选,这是葡萄牙短短3年来第3场大选。
葡萄牙的中右翼少数政府在周二晚的国会信任投票中落败,执政社会民主党首相蒙特内哥罗(Luís Montenegro)倒台,该国预料将于5 月举行两年内的第三次大选。 蒙特内哥罗上任不到一年,近期因卷入利益冲突丑闻而深陷争议。事缘蒙特内哥罗于2021年创立数据保护顾问公司 Spinumviva ,并在翌年将该公司所有权转移给了他的妻子和儿子。反对党指控, Spinumviva ...
Portugal’s minority government has lost a confidence vote in parliament, forcing its resignation and bringing the European ...
Portugal's president has announced that the country will hold an early general election on May 18. His announcement Thursday ...
PM Luís Montenegro is set to lose a vote of confidence, pitching his country into a third election in as many years.
Portugal’s Parliament ousted the center-right government in a vote of no confidence on Tuesday, forcing the third national ...
Portugal's Prime Minister Luis Montenegro has announced he will subject his minority government to a confidence motion. The ...
Portugal's Prime Minister Luis Montenegro said on Wednesday he would submit his year-old minority government to a motion of ...
Portugal is set for its third parliamentary election in three years, following a no-confidence vote against the centre-right ...
Portugal’s parliament is set to topple Prime Minister Luis Montenegro’s center-right minority government in a confidence vote ...
Portugal’s Socialists, the biggest opposition party, led Prime Minister Luis Montenegro’s AD coalition by a margin of 1.5 ...