These indirect measures allow for inference that learning has taken place, but it does not provide the same level of tangible, visible, and measurable evidence as a direct assessment of student ...
Organizations are increasingly subject to rating and ranking by third-party evaluators. Research in this area tends to emphasize the direct effects of ratings systems that occur when ratings give key ...
Industry heterogeneity in the propensity of indirect and direct exporting is also analyzed. Published: Fujii, Daisuke, Yukako Ono, and Yukiko U. Saito, 2017. "Indirect exports and wholesalers: ...
Theoretically, press experiments should evidence both direct and indirect effects while pulse experiments should only present direct effects. However, some indirect effects can occur quickly ...
This paper attempts to establish stylized facts on direct and indirect trade and its impact on firm performance using firm transaction data of Japanese firms, with the special goal of shedding light ...
The aim of these methods is to hold out the promise of improving on standard indirect comparisons by using individual patient data (IPD) in a subset of trials to control for imbalances in “baseline ...